Check out an example of how the pre-recorded videos work:


Learn with an easy, fun and effective method, and discover that you already have everything you need within you, to start speaking Italian, even sooner than you think!


What makes us different and FUN 🥳

Human focus

You are the star of the course. The human comes first, the language comes second. 

Pause the scary grammar

“Traditional” courses focus on the language: Adjectives, verbs, declension, inflection, adverbs, conjugation, rules, exceptions, grammar, pronunciation and a world that is mostly overwhelming to someone who is just approaching a foreign language for the first time. We believe that, in order to learn a foreign language, the protagonist must be the PERSON and how that person can learn.

First comes listening, understanding, communicating and knowing that you can do it. Then comes the grammar and the rules.  The best news? Every person on earth learns languages the same way. With Dr. Krashen’s theory,  Mo’ Parlo will prove that you, indeed, can learn Italian regardless of your talent, age or place of residence.


We suggest, you choose

Mo’ parlo will give you the initial push. From day one your brain will realize that you can understand and communicate in Italian – maybe in a 0.001% or maybe in a 12% or more, but you will be able to start speaking.

We’ll recommend non traditional” activities and tools that have existed for a very long time and helped Andre learn four foreign languages. You’ll choose what works best for you and adapt it to your time, taste, abilities and interests. Whether it is cooking, physics, sports, mechanics, dancing, gaming, traveling, reading, fishing or gardening; the name of the game is: make it fun for you.




Your rules

Use and adapt the learning tools to your interests and hobbies. It's all about having fun!


Learn about Italian culture, new worlds, and perhaps, even an empowered, new you!

Discover while learning Italian

The beauty of learning a language is that it gives you so much more than that. Sure, you’ll learn new words and sounds. The big plus is that while learning Italian you’ll also discover:

New traditions and cultures, new places, new recipes, new people, new ways of thinking, new experiences and much more!

This translates into possible new relationships and even new job opportunities.

Even more importantly, learning a foreign language also helps you discover new things about yourselfabilities, more confidence and self-love. A new way of seeing and understanding the world and life itself but most importantly, you’ll discover how amazing you and your brain are, because you truly are!

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What people are saying

"...I could listen to you all day long. I love your videos! ...I realize that my brain is learning" -Betsy


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Want to learn more about the method?

Sign up to the free mini course and lean both, the theory and the practice of Mo' parlo Italiano. This 1 hour* mini course will show you that you already have everything you need to start learning Italian in a much faster, fun and easier way! 🤩

Sign up to the free mini course

*Some people could take a litte less or a little more time to get through the whole mini course.

Ciao! I'm Andre,


Mo' parlo's founder and your language co-pilot


After twenty years of self-taught language learning and professional studies, I decided it was time to unite the best of both worlds and show humans that we already have everything we need within us to start speaking a foreign language from the first day.

Now, I use my language skills and knowledge to empower students and help them reconnect with their potential through fun language learning.

Are you ready? Andiamo!

Mo' parlo 

Learning a language is a fascinating, life-changing, and beautiful experience. It can also be torture when using the wrong methods: Low self-esteem and fear are just some of the feelings I experienced while trying to learn a foreign language in the "traditional" way. 

Mo' parlo wants to and will help you understand and start communicating in Italian from your first session, even if this is your first encounter with Italian ever. I speak 5 languages and so can you, yes YOU. How? Easy! Using fun and efficient tools and activities that I have used to learn four languages from age 5 to 25. You'll be able to adapt those tools to your own interests, time and taste


100% Online Course

With Immediate Access 

Learn by listening

It's the most natural and efficient way

Immediate Access

Get your course, relax and start learning. 

100% online

Learn online from any place at any time.

100% online course

Mo' parlo Italiano

Start learning and speaking Italian today. Pretend you are watching a film, open your ears and heart and RELAX. No translation, little grammar- or lots, as you decide. Reconnect with your potential and choose your own path!